CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 3
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 03 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1996-09].iso
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Text File
411 lines
# convert pair of clib/proto header and fd file into an inline header
# (C) 1992 by Markus Wild
# <wild@nessie.cs.id.ethz.ch> or <wild@amiga.physik.unizh.ch>
# this tool requires PERL.
# 1.1 92-jun-04 now handles double arguments
# 1.2 92-jul-02 generates stdarg and alias macros.
# 1.3 92-jul-08 makes use of 2.2.2's new "memory" clobbering, and no longer
# emits those *(char*)a0=*(char*)a0 hacks.
# TODO: handle full ANSI declarations,
# eg. void qsort (void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
# Currently omit the declaration of the arguments of the function pointers,
# ie. in this example, use
# void qsort (void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)());
# perform register allocation in those cases where a4 or a5 is used
# automatically.
$#ARGV == 1 || die "Usage: $0 proto-file fd-file\n";
open(PROTO_F, $ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open $ARGV[0], $!";
open(FD_F, $ARGV[1]) || die "Can't open $ARGV[1], $!";
# set the input record separator to ; to be able to parse multiline
# declarations. This could get us into troubles with comments.. we will see
p_line: while (<PROTO_F>) {
#print "0: ",$_,"\n";
# skip proprocessor statements and comments
#print "01: ", $_, "\n";
#print "02: ", $_, "\n";
#print "03: ", $_, "\n";
next if $_ eq "";
next unless /\(/;
# suppose this is a function declaration
# this `little' pattern filters out the return type and the argument
# line. The return type is quite tricky, since it can be a multi word
# type (like struct foo *), and we shouldn't overwrite the function
# name by matching against the return type... this seems to work, although
# I'm not completly sure it does in all cases.
#print "1: ",$_;
#print "2: ",$_;
#print "3: ",$_;
# %result_tab contains the type part written before the function name
$result_tab{$3} = $1;
# %result_tab_end contains the type part written after the closing parenthesis
chop $6;
$result_tab_end{$3} = $6;
# %arg_type_tab contains (later only) the type information for the arguments
$arg_type_tab{$3} = $4;
# compress the types, throw out not needed whitespace as much as we can
$result_tab{$3} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$result_tab_end{$3} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$result_tab_end{$3} =~ s/(\s+$)|(^\s+)//g;
$arg_type_tab{$3} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$arg_type_tab{$3} =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g;
$arg_type_tab{$3} =~ s/(\s+$)|(^\s+)//g;
# now parse the given fd file
# reset input record separator to newline for fd file
$bias = 0;
$private = 0;
($ARGV[0] =~ /([^:\/]*[:\/])*(\w+)\.h/) && ($lib_base_name = "${2}Base");
$lib_base_name[0] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
f_line: while (<FD_F>) {
# strip terminating new line
# get rid of comments
/^\*/ && next f_line;
# parse commands
/^##base _(\w+)/ && ($lib_base_name = $1) && next f_line;
/^##bias (\d+)/ && ($bias = $1) && next f_line;
/^##public/ && (($private = 0), 1) && next f_line;
/^##private/ && ($private = 1) && next f_line;
# parse function
$reg_tab{$1} = $3;
$arg_name_tab{$1} = $2;
$bias_tab{$1} = $bias;
$bias += 6;
%base_types = (
'SysBase', 'struct ExecBase *',
'ConsoleDevice', 'struct Device *',
'TimerBase', 'struct Device *',
'DiskfontBase', 'struct Library *',
'DOSBase', 'struct DosLibrary *',
'IconBase', 'struct Library *',
'PotgoBase', 'struct Library *',
'TranslatorBase', 'struct Library *',
'XpkBase', 'struct Library *',
'XpkSubBase', 'struct Library *',
($lib_base_type = $base_types{$lib_base_name}) ||
($lib_base_type = "struct " . $lib_base_name . "* ");
# convert arg_name_tab and arg_type_tab into arg_tab. This is rather tricky...
foreach $func (sort keys(%arg_name_tab)) {
if ($_ eq "" || /^\s*void\s*/i)
# no arguments given, or just void or VOID
$arg_tab{$func} = "";
# unpack arguments into array @names
@names = split(/,/, $arg_name_tab{$func});
# NOTE: this trick fails if someone specifies full prototypes for
# function pointers, ie. (.., (*func)(int, int, int), ...).
# Currently just one function in graphics.h does this, so it's
# not worth the hassle to do it `right'.
@types = split(/,/, $arg_type_tab{$func});
# @types may still contain argument names, if they were specified
# in the proto file. This is a tricky task, separate the optional
# argument name...
foreach $i (0 .. $#types) {
@words = split(/ /,$types[$i]);
word_loop: while ($wi > 0)
if ($words[$wi] =~ /[\(\)]/ && !($words[$wi - 1] =~ /[\(\)]/))
last word_loop;
elsif (!($words[$wi] =~ /[\(\)]/))
last word_loop;
# here come heuristics... (do we have a name to write over or
# do we have to append a new element?)
if ($words[$wi] eq "int" ||
$words[$wi] eq "long" ||
$words[$wi] eq "short" ||
$words[$wi] eq "char" ||
$words[$wi] eq "*")
($words[$wi] =~ s/(\W*)(\w+)(.*)/\1$names[$i]\3/) ||
($words[$wi] = $names[$i]);
$types[$i] = "@words";
$arg_tab{$func} = join("|", @types);
# this table maps functions that have an alternate stdarg-companion
# it would probably be better (and more generic) to do this mapping with
# some rather weird regular expressions. However, since almost every header
# file chose a different set of naming `rules' how to deduce the stdarg-name
# from the plain name, it would probably not be much better for the future,
# there's no sign that this deliberate creativity in inventing new naming
# conventions should stop....
%stdarg_names = (
# asl.library
'AllocAslRequest', 'AllocAslRequestTags',
'AslRequest', 'AslRequestTags',
# dos.library
'AllocDosObject', 'AllocDosObjectTags',
'CreateNewProc', 'CreateNewProcTags',
'SystemTagList', 'SystemTags',
'NewLoadSeg', 'NewLoadSegTags',
# gadtools.library
'CreateGadgetA', 'CreateGadget',
'GT_SetGadgetAttrsA', 'GT_SetGadgetAttrs',
'CreateMenusA', 'CreateMenus',
'LayoutMenuItemsA', 'LayoutMenuItems',
'LayoutMenusA', 'LayoutMenus',
'DrawBevelBoxA', 'DrawBevelBox',
'GetVisualInfoA', 'GetVisualInfo',
# graphics.library
'VideoControl', 'VideoControlTags', # own creation ;-)
'WeighTAMatch', 'WeighTAMatchTags', # own creation ;-)
'ExtendFont', 'ExtendFontTags', # own creation ;-)
# intuition.library
'OpenWindowTagList', 'OpenWindowTags',
'OpenScreenTagList', 'OpenScreenTags',
'NewObjectA', 'NewObject',
'SetAttrsA', 'SetAttrs',
'SetGadgetAttrsA', 'SetGadgetAttrs',
# workbench.library
'AddAppWindowA', 'AddAppWindow',
'AddAppIconA', 'AddAppIcon',
'AddAppMenuItemA', 'AddAppMenuItem',
# these are aliases for some functions, that for what reason ever got two
# names for the same entry point. This is a dos.library pecularity..
# the list is symmetric, since it's random which of the two names actually
# appears in the fd file, and is thus generated inline...
%aliased_names = (
'AllocDosObjectTagList', 'AllocDosObject',
'AllocDosObject', 'AllocDosObjectTagList',
'CreateNewProcTagList', 'CreateNewProc',
'CreateNewProc', 'CreateNewProcTagList',
'SystemTagList', 'System',
'System', 'SystemTagList',
'NewLoadSegTagList', 'NewLoadSeg',
'NewLoadSeg', 'NewLoadSegTagList',
# now output the real file
($ARGV[0] =~ /([^:\/]*[:\/])*(\w+)\.h/) && ($def = $2 . "_H");
$def =~ s/_protos//;
$def =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
print "#ifndef _INLINE_$def\n#define _INLINE_$def\n\n";
print "#include <sys/cdefs.h>\n";
print "#include <inline/stubs.h>\n";
# this is for C++ support, it does `extern "C" {' if __cplusplus is defined
print "\n__BEGIN_DECLS\n\n";
print "#ifndef BASE_EXT_DECL\n";
print "#define BASE_EXT_DECL extern $lib_base_type $lib_base_name;\n";
print "#endif\n";
print "#ifndef BASE_PAR_DECL\n";
print "#define BASE_PAR_DECL\n";
print "#define BASE_PAR_DECL0 void\n";
print "#endif\n";
print "#ifndef BASE_NAME\n";
print "#define BASE_NAME $lib_base_name\n";
print "#endif\n\n";
foreach $func (sort keys(%result_tab)) {
# this happens if the clib/ file defines functions that only exist in amiga.lib
next if $bias_tab{$func} == 0;
print "static __inline ",$result_tab{$func},"\n";
if ($arg_tab{$func} eq "")
print $func," (BASE_PAR_DECL0)\n{\n";
print $func," (BASE_PAR_DECL ",join(",", split(/\|/, $arg_tab{$func})),")\n{\n";
print " BASE_EXT_DECL\n";
if (!($result_tab{$func} =~ /^\s*void\s*$/i))
print " register $result_tab{$func} _res $result_tab_end{$func} __asm(\"d0\");\n";
print " register ${lib_base_type}a6 __asm(\"a6\") = BASE_NAME;\n";
@args = split(/\|/, $arg_tab{$func});
@names = split(/,/, $arg_name_tab{$func});
@regs = split(/[\/,]/, $reg_tab{$func});
$warn_a4a5 = 0;
$owe_nl = 0;
if ($#args >= 0)
# map the fd given register list to the arguments. If there wasn't
# DOUBLE/double, then this mapping would be 1:1, but a double variable
# is specified as taking d0/d1 in the fd file, while gcc only wants to
# see the d0.
$i = 0;
$ri = 0;
@reg_args = ();
while ($i <= $#args)
$reg_args[$i] = $regs[$ri];
# double, but not double pointers, skip one register
if ($args[$i] =~ /double[^\*]*$/i)
$decl = $args[$i];
$decl =~ s/(\W)$names[$i](\W?)/\1$reg_args[$i]\2/;
print " register $decl __asm(\"$reg_args[$i]\") = $names[$i];\n";
printf " __asm __volatile (\"jsr a6@(-0x%x)\"\n", $bias_tab{$func};
if ($result_tab{$func} =~ /^\s*void\s*$/i)
print " : /* no output */\n";
print " : \"=r\" (_res)\n";
if ($#args == -1)
print " : \"r\" (a6)\n";
print " : \"r\" (a6)";
foreach $r (@reg_args) {
print ", \"r\" ($r)";
print "\n";
@clobb=("d0", "d1", "a0", "a1");
push (@clobb, @regs);
@clobb = sort(@clobb);
print " : ";
# specify "memory" in each call, since each call is a subroutine call to some
# space which may do things we don't know ;-) Besides, this shouldn't hurt
# performance, and if it does, I'd need specific information HOW it hurts,
# so "memory" could be disabled in just those cases.
foreach $i (0 .. $#clobb) {
(($clobb[$i] ne $clobb[$i+1]) && ($i != $#clobb) && (print "\"$clobb[$i]\",")) ||
($i == $#clobb && (print "\"$clobb[$i]\", \"memory\");\n"));
# no longer necessary, since gcc now supports `register' "memory" to denote
# that memory is clobbered by indirection on registers
# # hack.. for all arguments addressed via address registers, fake a value change
foreach $i (0 .. $#regs) {
# ($regs[$i] =~ /a[0-5]/) &&
# (print " *(char *)$regs[$i] = *(char *)$regs[$i];") && ($owe_nl= 1);
($regs[$i] =~ /a[45]/) && ($warn_a4a5 = 1);
print STDERR "Warning: $func uses a4 or a5, add code to save/restore them!\n"
if $warn_a4a5;
print "\n" if ($owe_nl);
print " return _res;\n" if (!($result_tab{$func} =~ /^\s*void\s*$/i));
print "}\n";
if ($stdarg_names{$func})
print "#ifndef NO_INLINE_STDARG\n";
print "#define $stdarg_names{$func}(";
foreach $i (0 .. $#args-1) {
print "a$i, ";
print "tags...) \\\n";
print " ({ struct TagItem _tags[] = { tags }; $func (";
foreach $i (0 .. $#args-1) {
print "(a$i), ";
print "_tags); })\n";
print "#endif /* not NO_INLINE_STDARG */\n";
if ($aliased_names{$func})
# provide arguments to the macro, should reduce expansion of the macro
# at the wrong place..
print "#define $aliased_names{$func}(";
foreach $i (0 .. $#args-1) {
print "a$i, ";
print "a$#args) $func (";
foreach $i (0 .. $#args-1) {
print "(a$i), ";
print "(a$#args))\n";
print "#undef BASE_EXT_DECL\n";
print "#undef BASE_PAR_DECL\n";
print "#undef BASE_PAR_DECL0\n";
print "#undef BASE_NAME\n";
print "\n__END_DECLS\n\n";
print "#endif /* _INLINE_$def */\n";